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Commercial Auto Insurance 101

(NAPS) — If you own a business, it’s important to match the insurance you carry to the company you keep. Doing so can save you time and money down the road. Commercial auto insurance can be especially important, so if you’re not sure what kind of commercial auto insurance you need, you may want to talk with an independent insurance agent who specializes in that particular area. Independent insurance agents work with you to put together a package that provides the protection that’s right for your business.“Anyone who owns a business with a commercial automobile needs to have coverage that is appropriate for the industry and the size of the business,” says Brett Stalnaker of The Progressive Group of Insurance Companies. “An independent insurance agent who specializes in commercial auto cover-age can provide business owners with the kind of advice they need to make the right choice.” Here are some tips to help you find a commercial auto insurance agent:

• Get objective advice. There are different types of insurance agents. A captive agent represents only one insurance company. Independent insurance agents represent a number of different insurance companies. Independent agents tend to be more flexible, because they can offer coverage options from various companies, increasing your odds of getting the combination of cover-ages, price and service that fits your business needs.

• Visit the Web site of a larger insurance company. Web sites such as driveinsurance.com can provide you with coverage option information and a way to find an agent in your neighborhood.